Real Listing Agent RSS Feed

  • Even though affordability is improving, buying a home can still feel tough right now. But here’s some good news: builders are focusing their efforts on building smaller homes, and they’re offering key incentives to buyers. And both of these things can be a big help if you're worried about finding a home that’s right for […]
  • From structural damage to health risks, understanding the surprising ways excessive moisture can damage your home is crucial for your sanctuary.
  • Mortgage rates have hit their lowest point in over a year and a half. And that’s big news if you’ve been sitting on the homebuying sidelines waiting for this moment.
  • A shift is underway in the housing market this season. And if you’ve been sitting on the sidelines waiting for the right moment to jump back into your homebuying search, this is a great time to do it. That’s because the best week to buy a home this year is just around the corner. Your […]
  • For homeowners, fall is also the time to do some crucial lawn and yard maintenance.  Cleaning up your yard in the fall can provide a plethora of benefits—from keeping unwanted pests away to giving your lawn and landscaping a lush head start come spring. Use this checklist as your guide to help you tackle a […]
  • Thinking about making a move? Here are a few general tips on how to get your house ready. You want to focus on things that’ll make it inviting, show it’s cared for, and boost your curb appeal. If you want specific advice to help your house stand out in our local market, let’s connect.
  • Getting your house ready to sell? Here’s a few tips on what you may want to do to prepare. Focus on making it inviting, showing it’s cared for, and boosting your curb appeal. If you want specific advice to help your house stand out in our local market, let’s connect.
  • Many adult students face the challenge of finding ways to finance their college education while balancing other responsibilities. One potential solution is real estate flipping, a strategy that can generate income while providing valuable financial management experience.
  • Now that you’ve decided to buy a home and are ready to make it happen, it’s a good idea to plan for the costs that are a typical part of the home-buying process. And while your down payment is probably the number one expense on your mind, don't forget about closing costs. Here’s what you […]
  • Learn practical and compassionate ways neighbors can help a hoarder in their community. From offering assistance to contacting professionals, find out how you can make a difference.
  • If you’re wondering what’s going on with home prices lately, you’re definitely not the only one. With so much information out there, it can be hard to figure out your next move.
How To Get Your House Ready To Sell
How To Get Your House Ready To Sell

Thinking about making a move? Here are a few general tips on how to get your house ready. You want to focus on things that’ll make it inviting, show it’s cared for, and boost your curb appeal. If you want specific advice to help your house stand out in our local market, let’s connect.

#sellyourhouse #makememove #keepingcurrentmatters

The Best Time To Buy a Home This Year
The Best Time To Buy a Home This Year

A shift is underway in the housing market this season. And if you’ve been sitting on the sidelines waiting for the right moment to jump back into your homebuying search, this is a great time to do it. That’s because the best week to buy a home this year is just around the corner. Your sweet spot is here.

 The experts at study seasonal trends to figure out the ideal week for homebuyers:

Nationally, the best time to buy in 2024 is the week of Sept. 29–Oct. 5. This week historically has shown the best balance of market conditions that favor buyers. Inventory tends to be high, prices are below peak levels, demand is waning, and the pace of the market slows to a more manageable speed.” 

In addition to the historical trends and typical seasonality that looks at, there are also clear indicators in today’s market data that you’ll see better conditions right now than you would have over the last few years.

Mortgage rates just hit their lowest point in 19 months, and that goes a long way to help with your purchasing power and affordability. Andy Walden with Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE) points out:

“Recent easing in mortgage rates brought some much-sought relief to prospective homebuyers. Along with a general cooling in home price growth, rates falling below 6.5 percent made August the most affordable month for housing since February.”

And Ralph McLaughlin, Senior Economist at, explains that it’s not just rates that have improved – inventory has too: 

“The number of homes actively for sale continues to be elevated compared with last year, growing by 35.8%, a 10th straight month of growth, and now sits at the highest since May 2020.”

That should give you more options. At the same time, sellers now have to compete with each other for your attention. That means they’ll be more likely to negotiate because they know their house will sit on the market longer if they don’t. As Zillow says:

Buyers waiting on the sidelines could find that early fall presents a ‘sweet spot,’ where there’s less competition from other buyers, more motivated sellers and lower interest rates to finance their purchases.”

Bottom Line

If you want to make sure you’re ready to take advantage of this sweet spot, let’s connect and start the prep work now. Maybe it’s time to get off the sidelines and into the action.

4 Surprising Ways Excessive Moisture Can Damage Your Home

Have you noticed damp spots or musty odors in your home? These could be signs of excessive moisture, an often overlooked yet formidable adversary for homeowners.

Leaky roofs, cracked foundations, and poorly sealed windows all invite unwanted moisture. High humidity levels in certain climates further exacerbate this issue, as does improper ventilation in areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

While a little moisture might seem harmless, it can wreak havoc in ways you might not expect. From structural damage to health risks, understanding the surprising ways excessive moisture can damage your home is crucial to maintaining your sanctuary’s integrity.

Structural Impact: Damage to Walls, Floors, and Ceilings

Excessive moisture can compromise your home’s structural integrity. It seeps into walls, floors, and ceilings, leading to rot and weakening of these elements. For instance, excessive moisture is one of the top causes of warping in hardwood floors. Maintaining optimal indoor humidity levels and promptly addressing any leaks or drips can protect your investment and prevent costly repairs.

Health Hazards: Mold, Mildew, and Respiratory Issues

When moisture lingers, mold and mildew quickly follow. These fungi thrive in damp environments, spreading across walls and ceilings, and even embedding themselves in carpets. Beyond the unsightly stains, mold spores pose significant health risks, particularly for people with asthma or allergies. Reducing indoor humidity and ensuring proper ventilation can help keep these unwanted guests at bay.

Pests: Insects and Rodents Love Moisture

Moisture doesn’t only attract mold; it also invites pests. Critters like termites, cockroaches, and rodents are drawn to damp environments. These pests can cause extensive damage and create a secondary problem of infestation. Regular maintenance and dehumidification efforts can keep your home dry and less appealing to these critters.

Energy Efficiency: How Moisture Affects Your Home’s Efficiency

A moisture-laden home is an inefficient one. Excessive moisture can strain your HVAC system, causing it to work harder and consume more energy to maintain comfortable conditions. Sealing leaks and ensuring adequate insulation can enhance your home’s energy efficiency, saving you money on utility bills.

Prevention and Solutions: Practical Steps for a Dry Home

Understanding the surprising ways excessive moisture can damage your home helps you take proactive measures. Combatting moisture begins with regular inspections, utilizing dehumidifiers, and improving ventilation in key areas. Don’t forget to seal leaks promptly and consider waterproofing solutions for especially vulnerable parts of your home. By knowing the risks and solutions, you can safeguard your home against moisture and maintain a safe, healthy living environment.


Why Pre-Approval Should Be at the Top of Your Homebuying To-Do List
Why Pre-Approval Should Be at the Top of Your Homebuying To-Do List

Since the supply of homes for sale is growing and mortgage rates are coming down, you may be thinking it’s finally your moment to jump into the market. To make sure you’re ready, you need to get pre-approved for a mortgage.

That’s when a lender looks at your finances, including things like your W-2, tax returns, credit score, and bank statements, to figure out what they’re willing to loan you. After that process, you’ll get a pre-approval letter to show what you can borrow. Here are two reasons why this is essential in today’s market.

Pre-Approval Helps You Know Your Numbers

While home affordability is finally starting to show signs of improving, it’s still tight. So, it’s a good idea to talk to a lender about your loan options and how today’s changing mortgage rates will impact your monthly payment. The pre-approval process is the perfect time for that. In addition to determining the maximum amount you can borrow, pre-approval also helps you understand this piece of the puzzle. As Investopedia says:

“Consulting with a lender and obtaining a pre-approval letter allows you to discuss loan options and budgeting with the lender; this step can clarify your total house-hunting budget and the monthly mortgage payment you can afford.”

You should use this information to tailor your home search to what you’re actually comfortable with budget-wise. Since mortgage rates have inched down some lately, you may find you’re able to afford a bit more than you’d expect for your monthly payment, but you still want to avoid overextending. As CNET explains:

“In many cases, a lender may preapprove you for more than you need to spend on a home. And while it can be tempting to look at houses outside your budget, it won’t help you in the long run. Before you start touring homes, figure out how much you can realistically afford and stick to your budget.”

Pre-Approval Makes Your Offer More Appealing

And once you do find a home you want in your budget, pre-approval has another big perk. It not only makes your offer stronger, it also shows sellers you’ve already undergone a credit and financial check. When a seller sees you as a serious buyer, they may be more attracted to your offer because it seems more likely to go through. As Greg McBride, Chief Financial Analyst at Bankrate, says:

“Preapproval carries more weight because it means lenders have actually done more than a cursory review of your credit and your finances, but have instead reviewed your pay stubs, tax returns and bank statements. A preapproval means you’ve cleared the hurdles necessary to be approved for a mortgage up to a certain dollar amount.”

As mortgage rates trend down, more buyers are going to be ready to jump back into the market. And while demand is still limited right now, there’s the potential for competition to pick back up, especially in hot markets. So, why not stack the deck in your favor and make sure you’re putting yourself in the best position possible when you find a home you love?

Bottom Line

If you’re planning on buying a home, don’t forget to get pre-approved early in the process. It can help you get a more in-depth understanding of what you can borrow and shows sellers you mean business.

Funding Your College Degree Through Real Estate Flipping: Tips for Adult Students

Funding Your College Degree Through Real Estate Flipping: Tips for Adult Students

Image via Freepik

Many adult students face the challenge of finding ways to finance their college education while balancing other responsibilities. One potential solution is real estate flipping, a strategy that can generate income while providing valuable financial management experience. By approaching real estate investment with careful planning and dedication, it’s possible to cover educational expenses and achieve long-term financial goals. RESF and the Listing Team explores effective strategies and techniques for flipping real estate—use these strategies to fund your college dreams while building a strong financial foundation.

Scaling Your Real Estate Flipping to Meet Educational Goals 

To finance your college education through house flipping, evaluate the scalability of your efforts. Assess whether managing multiple properties or focusing on a single project suits you better. The time available for your real estate endeavors will limit how many properties you can flip. Start small and expand your investments gradually to balance education, work, and flipping effectively.

Location: A Critical Factor for Quick Sales and Profit Margins 

Selecting the right location is vital for successful property investment. Properties in high-demand areas sell quickly, accelerating the reinvestment into your education. The location also influences property values and profit potentials. Targeting neighborhoods on the brink of growth or undergoing significant development could yield higher returns than established, stagnant areas.

The Flexibility of an Online Degree for Aspiring InvestorsIf flipping houses becomes a passion, consider opting for an online degree program to give you more flexibility. These programs typically cost less than traditional in-person courses, making them affordable while funding your education through real estate. You can pursue your academic goals without sacrificing your real estate ventures with options like psychology degrees or business programs. The flexible scheduling lets you focus more on your property investments while keeping up with your studies.

Tax Breaks and Benefits Related to Education Costs 

Real estate investors and students should understand the tax implications. You might qualify for real estate-specific tax deductions like depreciation, capital gains exclusions, and potentially educational expenses linked to your business. Consulting a tax professional can optimize these benefits and navigate tax complexities efficiently.

The Power of Social Media for Market Research and Sales 

Using social media is effective for market research and connecting with buyers. Networking with industry experts on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn provides property value insights and a venue to showcase your listings. These platforms broaden your reach, enhancing property sales opportunities. Online tools also keep you informed about the latest market trends and pricing strategies.

Diversifying Your Real Estate Portfolio to Reduce Risk 

Diversifying within the real estate sector is crucial to mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations. To stabilize your portfolio, broaden your investments to include rental properties, commercial spaces, and raw land. This strategy ensures a consistent income stream, which is beneficial while you pursue your education.

Finding Mentors and Building Connections in the Field 

Success in real estate often hinges on mentorship and vital networking. Engaging with seasoned investors offers crucial guidance and support. Participate in local real estate groups or online forums to forge connections with professionals who can share expertise and resources like contractors and lenders. Such networks are indispensable for thriving in house flipping.

Creative Financing Options to Minimize Initial Costs

Starting in real estate flipping typically requires considerable initial investment, yet various creative financing methods can lighten this load. Crowdfunding platforms allow multiple investors to collectively fund projects, bypassing traditional financing routes. Alternatives like peer-to-peer lending and seller financing offer ways to acquire properties with less upfront capital. These innovative financing options can kickstart your real estate endeavors, supporting your educational financing goals.

Real estate flipping presents a feasible path for adult students aiming to fund their education and build financial stability. Employing effective strategies, staying updated on market trends, and leveraging available resources are vital to managing both education and real estate investments. Planning and strategic decision-making can align your educational objectives with financial growth opportunities. Committing to this dual approach will enhance your chances of success in academia and real estate.

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