Expert Forecasts for the 2025 Housing Market
Wondering what’s in store for the housing market this year? And more
specifically, what it all means for you if you plan to buy or sell a home?
The best way to get that information is to lean on the pros.
Time in the Market Beats Timing the Market
Trying to decide whether it makes more sense to buy a home now or wait?
There’s a lot to consider, from what’s happening in the market to your
changing needs. But generally speaking, aiming to time the market isn’t a
good strategy – there are too many factors at play for that to even be
Opportunity in the Luxury Market This Year
Homes priced in the top 25% of a price range for a particular area of the
country are considered “premium homes.”
Big Demand for Small Homes
Movies, tv shows, and celebrities often have us dreaming of owning large
homes, but the reality for most people is quite different.
Looking to the Future: What the Experts Are Saying
As our lives, our businesses, and the world we live in change day by day,
we’re all left wondering how long this will last. How long will we feel the
effects of the coronavirus? How deep will the impact go?
Today’s Homebuyers Want Lower Prices. Sellers Disagree.
The uncertainty the world faces today due to the COVID-19 pandemic is
causing so many things to change. The way we interact, the way we do
business, even the way we buy and sell real estate is changing.
Is This the Year to Sell My House?
If one of the questions you’re asking yourself is, “Should I sell my house
this year?” consumer sentiment about selling today should boost your
confidence in the right direction. Even with the current health crisis that
continues to challenge our nation, Americans still feel good about selling
a house. Here’s why.
Affordable Improvements To Make Your Home Sell Quickly (2)
Affordable Improvements To Make Your Home Sell Quickly Seeking some professional advice on how to sell your real estate is a great way that you can move your property. Trusting the experts and their advice will ensure that you’re taking the right steps in order to sell. Here is some of that expert advice on…
Lending Standards Are Not Like They Were Leading Up to the Crash
You might be worried we’re heading for a housing crash, but there are many
reasons why this housing market isn’t like the one we saw in 2008. One of
which is how lending standards are different today. Here’s a look at the
data to help prove it.
Real Estate: It’s Still a Lack of Supply, Not a Lack of Demand
One of the major questions real estate experts are asking today is whether
prospective homebuyers still believe purchasing a home makes sense. Some
claim rapidly rising home prices are impacting demand and, by extension,
leading to the recent slowdown in sales activity.